CHARACTERISTICS: clear green opalescent coloured; typical taste.
OLIVE – HARVEST AND OIL – PRODUCTION: from several varieties of olive – trees: Coreggiolo, Moraiolo, Leccino and Pendolino in particular. The olives are picked up by hand and then they are immediately sent to the oil press for the grinding. Here the pressing is made; the extraction is therefore absolutely natural. Our precious extra – virgin olive – oil is now ready.
According to recent medical researches it seem also to have therapeutical properties.
USE: usually row on salads; in Tuscany it is used also for traditional cooking as frying or other characteristical dishes.
NOTES: our oil is bottled without being filtrated, in a very natural way; with the passing of time, you will likely find some sediments on the bottom of the bottle.
USEFUL ADVICES: For a best conservation of the product it is necessary noy to expose it to strong lights or to excessive heat. To eliminate the possible residuals it is enough to decant the oil. Decants must be made at season’s changes, better from winter to summer.
CHARACTERISTICS: clear green opalescent coloured; typical taste.
OLIVE – HARVEST AND OIL – PRODUCTION: from several varieties of olive – trees: Coreggiolo, Moraiolo, Leccino and Pendolino in particular. The olives are picked up by hand and then they are immediately sent to the oil press for the grinding. Here the pressing is made; the extraction is therefore absolutely natural. Our precious extra – virgin olive – oil is now ready.
According to recent medical researches it seem also to have therapeutical properties.
USE: usually row on salads; in Tuscany it is used also for traditional cooking as frying or other characteristical dishes.
NOTES: our oil is bottled without being filtrated, in a very natural way; with the passing of time, you will likely find some sediments on the bottom of the bottle.
USEFUL ADVICES: For a best conservation of the product it is necessary noy to expose it to strong lights or to excessive heat. To eliminate the possible residuals it is enough to decant the oil. Decants must be made at season’s changes, better from winter to summer.